Karen Davis from Hartland WI
Coming to Germany was quite exhilerating, but staying here was unbelievable. All my life I had dreamt of visiting a foreign country (Germany prefered). When my teacher offered this experience I accepted it in a heartbeat, then it happend!
The 9 hour flight seemed like a 16 hour flight due to the 7 hour time difference. At first it was hard to deal with the cultural change and not going home to my family after school. But after the schock faded I took a huge reality-check and realised "Hey I'm in Germany!"
Looking around at my new environment was so exiting. At age 17 I had already done more then some doing an entire lifetime. With this reinforced positive attitude I began to open up to the kids in my classes. They were all very friendly and were not afraid to speak English with me, as I struggled through the German language with them.
My 3 weeks spent here have been both fun and education for me. My last week in Germany was spent touring different featured sites of Germany and parts of Austria.
Karen Davis
With this experience I've made some lifelong friends that I will certainly keep in touch with after my return to Wisconsin, USA
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September 2004
Anna Lena Wagner
I was very lucky going to California in spring 2013 (11.03.-09.04.). I lived with my exchange student Carla and her family in a small town close to Los Angeles. Four weeks of getting to know the American lifestyle. We went to see Hollywood, San Diego, Palm Springs, Disneyland and Texas.
In the following you'll see some impressions: still working on it ... !